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Schools and colleges

Schools and Colleges

Add value to your student offering with Sensations English

Working with Sensations English

Leveraging digital tools

Training and support

Developing your digital teaching

Plus, provide your teachers and students with effective support for digital learning

Teacher dashboard

Use your personal teacher dashboard to:

  • Set digital tasks for classes and individual students
  • Monitor student and class progress on activities
  • Track each student’s development in their gradebook
  • Send students personalised/individual feedback on activities

Student menu

Motivate your learners! Through the student menu, learners can:

  • Find and review their lesson tasks
  • Check progress and feedback in their gradebook
  • Receive digital notifications of new tasks and feedback
  • Set their level for self-study

Teacher zone

Get expert guidance to support your teaching:

  • Use lesson plans to help you teach with confidence
  • Get technical help with how to videos and PDF guides
  • Download ready-to-use slides for use with students
  • Watch our teacher CPD webinars to improve your teaching

Student engagement

Enjoy stress free planning and exciting lessons with up-to-date content:

  • Teach face-to-face, online or in hybrid classes
  • Access reliable, high-quality, graded and authentic resources
  • Trust content written and designed by ELT specialists
  • Rely on the experts in video and digital learning

Sensations English Plan Comparison

Independent Learner Edition

Freelance Teacher Edition

Schools and Colleges Edition

News reports at 5 levels of English

Digital study activities and tools

Automatic feedback on tasks

A teacher account to manage students’ learning

Student accounts linked to your teacher account

Digital classrooms to organise your learners

Digital task setting to personalise teaching

Digital task monitoring and summaries

Admin account to manage users, classes and groups

Live tech, admin and teacher onboarding

Ongoing technical and pedagogical support

Importing tools for fast user setup

Multiple teacher accounts

Multiple teachers per classroom

Digital task setting for multiple classrooms

Class/group task summary sharing

Tailored class/group reports to track progress

User activity performance indicators

API integration with school platforms

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